Personally, the promotion of young engineers and here also the enthusiasm of women for these professions is close to my heart.

Patron Member: Tanja Zimmermann

Interview with Tanja Zimmermann, Director Empa

The Engineer's Day promotes the enormously important young talent and the excellent image of the engineering professions as well as the interaction with various stakeholders from politics, society, industry and research. It would be nice if the number of supporting partner organizations and donors would increase even further. (Picture above: Tanja Zimmermann)

The answers from Tanja Zimmermann, Director Empa:

When and in what context did you first hear about Engineers' Day (then Engineers' Day)?

I have been familiar with Engineers' Day for a number of years, as Empa is one of the active partners. As a patronage member and director of Empa, I would now like to get even more involved in the idea behind this day.

You have made yourself prominently available as a patronage member. Why are you involved in this event?

With their developments of innovative materials and technology, engineers at Empa make an important contribution to a sustainable future for Switzerland. With their support, we can solve important socio-political challenges and strengthen our industry. Engineer's Day promotes the enormously important next generation of engineers and the excellent image of the engineering professions, as well as interaction with various stakeholders from politics, society, industry and research.

What goal or goals would you highlight as the most important priority in terms of your involvement in Engineer's Day or everyday life?

Personally, the promotion of young engineers and here also the enthusiasm of women for these professions is close to my heart.

Why do you think engineers and their achievements are not perceived enough in everyday life and what can engineers do about it?  

Personally, I am very aware of the achievements of female and male engineers in everyday life and I appreciate them very much. This is also true for those around me. However, there still needs to be a broader awareness among the population of these outstanding contributions to the good of society and to a sustainable future. This is where Engineers' Day helps by introducing different professions and career opportunities.

If you had one wish to be able to influence the promotion of young talent even more, to whom would it go and what would that wish be?

We need to get young people excited about engineering professions at an early age. Events at schools, universities and companies help here. And we need "role models" as motivators. It's good that there are so many career opportunities in our dual education system.

Do you have another wish in connection with Engineers' Day?

It would be nice if the number of supporting partner organizations and donors would increase even more.

What future challenge(s) do you see as most essential, for which we urgently need more engineers?

The most important challenge is the decarbonization of our economy, i.e. the reduction and replacement of CO2-emitting technologies. Thus, we need engineers for the transition of our energy system. Another challenge is circular construction. Here, engineers are driving a change in thinking.

Thank you very much for this interview.

Further information on Empa: www.empa.ch


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